Chủ Nhật, 26 tháng 10, 2008

This is a side-job exercise i made during the last semester break. The purpose for this panel is to advertise for the C.N.C machine, the first Vietnamese C.N.C. Our group includes Van and me have brainstorm . Then we came up with 4 different layouts. In the end, we chose the below design. The design's main idea is to emphasize the symbol-C.N.C. The logo Tamsanh is on the top left corner of the panel. It took 4 different pictures to extract and stick in the main background.
Actually, the beta picture has more style than this one. But our client require more places to write phone number, address and stuff... So we had to change the original idea a bit. The redesigned panel has been made by Van and me in 3 hours. This is due to a change in the last minute of our harsh customer. He prefer to change the whole thing into something better despite the fact that the printing date is near.



Sun and moon

This is my first exercise which has been given to me in this third semester. The basics for this exercise is to develop the ability to think and create a chain of process in order to complete a designing mindset. After a period of time brainstorming and bringing my imagination to materialize. I have come up with two design of the sun and moon. Each of them has a distinctive feeling and idea.

The picture above is the first design that i thought of. The sun and moon in this picture has been changed and de-shaped. My first inspiration comes from the shapes that i have been reading on the net. There is a recolonization that the circle, triangle and rectangle symbolize certain meanings. As described, in this picture, the large yellow rectangle symbolizes the sun, while the triangle symbolizes the moon. Why do i use those shapes ? It is simply because i see that the sun and moon have a irregular similarity to the shape of rectangle and triangle. And the color for each emphasize their characteristics. The sun shines brightly, which has a hotwyellow, while the moon, which appears at night, has a night-black color.

The second picture is a bit weird. Firstly, i came across a photoshop tutorial in which they taught how to make an eye. After that, i thought if we place the eye in an eclipse moon, i can make it more inspire and distinctive. The theme is black in order to emphasize the strange picture. This design is a bit extreme and horror-style.